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Intermediate Level - Web Spanish Online
Precio: A Consultar
Duración: 60 horas
Metodología: On Line
Ubicación: Lima, Perú
Centro: Web Spanish
Teléfono: 511 2427763
URL: Visitar web site del curso

Dirigido a

Anyone who wants to learn the Spanish language.

Requisitos previos

All you need is a computer, a headset and a broadband internet connection. That’s it!

Descripción, temario, y otros

The Web Spanish learning course is divided into six levels - from Basic to Upper Advanced. At each level students study Spanish within the contemporary cultural context and are able to access Spanish videos, audios and other types of learning resources directly from the Web Spanish website. Our tutors employ a standard Spanish vocabulary and Latin American Spanish grammar. Please view our website for more information about the course and syllabus.

Más información de este curso: Visitar web site del centro

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